The Centre for Healthy Living (in Dutch: afdeling Gezond Leven) aims to contribute to the health of all Dutch citizens by coordinating the efforts of health promoting actors and organisations, and by enhancing the quality and efficiency of health promotion in the Netherlands. The Centre for Healthy Living supports health promotion professionals through its portal and by organising direct support: meetings, training and coaching. is the Centre of Healthy Living's portal for health promotion and prevention. The portal provides health promotion professionals with information on how to plan and implement health promotion interventions in different settings (online manuals).

The website contains both general programmes, like the Recognition System for health promotion interventions, and specific programmes for different settings, like Healthy School or Healthy Municipality. Furthermore the portal provides access to a database with best practice interventions.


The Centre for Healthy Living is part of the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) and is supported by the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport.