General programmes

Recognition system for health promotion interventions

The recognition process offers professionals (in policy, research and practice) an understanding of the quality, effectiveness and feasibility of lifestyle interventions. The Centre for Healthy Living promotes the use of recognised interventions, so that those in the field can be properly informed when it comes to choosing which intervention is effective and best fits local practice. Please read the Recognition System Criteria in English.

International activities

As a member of EuroHealthNet the Centre for Healthy Living has excellent relationships with sister organisations throughout Europe. Being part of this network allows us not only to access the very latest insights and innovative European practices, but also to participate in study visits. As regards the Healthy School theme the Centre for Healthy Living collaborates via the Schools for Health in Europe (SHE) organisation. International knowledge and experience is exchanged with partners and professionals. Examples from other countries are published online for professionals via Centre for Healthy Living is cooperating in the European Joint Actions (JA) on Reducing Alcohol Related Harm (RAHRA) and in the JA on Chronic Diseases and Healthy Aging (CHRODIS).

Online communication

At professionals can find information and interventions for health promotion and prevention in their (local) practice. Education professionals can visit to find out about the Healthy School approach. The website is aimed at professionals working in nurseries and kindergartens.  The knowledge and products on these websites have been provided mainly by our partners.


Centre for Healthy Living monitors how professionals use and appreciate its products. The number of visits to the websites and the use of products and services are monitored. By using the results from these data the Centre for Healthy Living can make sure that its activities are consistent with the needs of the local professionals.

Specific programmes

Healthy Municipality and Neighbourhoods

The purpose of the Healthy Municipality and Neighbourhoods programme is to support local professionals who work to promote health in a local setting using the Healthy Municipality Manual. This manual provides information, tips and practical examples for making, implementing and evaluating health policy at municipality, district and neighbourhood levels. The manual presents options for an integrated approach to eight health themes: obesity, sport and exercise, alcohol, drugs, smoking, depression, sexual health and fall prevention.

Prevention in (primary) care

The Prevention in the Neighbourhood (2014-2018) project is aimed at strengthening prevention within primary care in the district. The emphasis is on connecting public health professionals with those in the general practice. In this project, priority is given to helping primary care professionals - and especially GPs who function as linchpins - to improve preventive policies which are intended to influence lifestyles. Knowledge and online materials are shared in regional meetings and personal advisory courses.

Healthy School

A Healthy School has many advantages: a more pleasant learning environment, less absenteeism, better performance and fewer dropouts. The Healthy School Manual contains knowledge, materials and support for professionals in health promotion and education which can be used in primary and secondary schools and schools for vocational education. The manual (in Dutch) is available via

Healthy Childcare

The website was launched in 2015 and is part of the new Healthy Childcare approach. A Healthy Childcare Manual is developed for professionals working in nurseries and kindergartens. The goal is to help create a structural approach to promoting the health of young children. The manual will have the same starting points as the Healthy School programme and will help childcare organisations to include health as an integral component in their policies and activities.


For more information about the Centre for Healthy Living or comments about our website, please contact us at or phone +31 88  689 75 08.